Arsenal Lands-April 24 (Easter)
Outdoor Ontario

Arsenal Lands-April 24 (Easter)


  • Old Timer
  • *****
    • Posts: 1060
So after having a lovely meal for Easter, I decided to go out and romp around to see what or if anything was chirping about...well it was more then a chirp
found in the Arsenal Lands in Mississauga just on the other side of the fence of Marie Curtis... was this lovely Red-Tailed Hawk
He was trying to catch something in the grasses (most likely a snake, I never did get to see it)

The clawing...

The Pecking...

The wing dance...

The covering of Potential prey (if he got it I did not see it)

it wasn't exactly the Easter Bunny but I'm happy with the Easter Hawk!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by ravynne40 »
Dream, fly, soar and believe!