I was at Bronte Harbour about 8:00 am this morning. Hundreds of cormorants and a few Long-tailed Ducks, plus one White-winged Scoter outside the harbour. In the marina area were a pair of
Horned Grebes!
The female had something in her bill - nesting materials? I got a good long look at the male but then the two swam behind some boats, right at the back [lake side] and I couldn't get onto the docks when I returned with my scope.
From Bronte I went west along the lake shore. Hundreds of Long-tailed Ducks [aka 'Oldsquaw']. Onto North Shore Blvd East and stopped at a parkette called "Bayshore Park". A few metres offshore were two pair of
Ruddy Duck in a small flock of Greater Scaup. :lol:
Finally I followed North Shore to Plains Rd West and then followed Spring Garden Rd through Woodlands Cemetery. Spring Garden dead-ends at two large ponds and there were a pair of the Wye Marsh reared
Trumpeter Swans, distinguishable by the large yellow wing tags on their right wings. They were completely unconcerned by pedesterians within 10 metres and posed obligingly for pic s!