cozy little palm warbler
Outdoor Ontario

cozy little palm warbler


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Some folks were kind enough to tell me which warbler this fellow was. One birdwatcher in particular was so pleasant and forthcoming with information. Another was very serious and I had a small misunderstanding with him, which is something I often do when I'm around other bird photographers, a group of people of whom I'm quite leery. What a serious bunch! Ah, but why get started on apples here? Many people are very nice indeed. Anyhow, I'm awfully stupid about warblers and could recognize only 5 without assistance, but now with the palm warbler memorized, I'm up to a half-dozen. The fellow below has been CROPPED but I'd be a fool to care. We do what we must. Still, the birds I most want to see this time of year are little fatsos like veerys or veeries (sp?) and catbirds...
Hope all is well with one and all
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by dbellilo »


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I usually just say "Hello" to anyone I pass in the park/woods that have a camera and or binoculars and see how they re-act.  Some nice.  Some not so much.  Angie and I saw this woman looking at something down in Lambton Woods one day, tri-pod set up, etc.  We quietly walked up and whispered a question of what she was looking at.  A chill came over me on this lovely May afternoon as she turned to us all blue lipped and frosty browed from the cold attitude thrown at us.  We took her out of her moment while she was trying to capture a Winter Wren.

I don't know if I have the patience for most Warblers.  Bounce bounce bounce, zig here, zag there.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Rob'in'To »
A birth certificate shows we were born.  A death certificate shows we died.  Pictures show we live.


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Good bird!  Well done!  Cheers Terry
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Whittam »


  • Old Timer
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    • Posts: 81
Nice shot Rob!
Warblers are very tricky to photograph for sure.
So shifty, leaves & limbs, dark forests! Lol
But it is so great to be out birding with so many
birds in their stunning breeding plumage available to be seen at one time.
If I don't get a shot of a Scarlet Tanager but if I see it thru my binoculars or by my eye,  then it
all makes it worthwhile!
It's my favorite time of year!

Happy Birding Everyone!

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Murray »