Hi Walter,
Nice finds! Still no swallowtail sightings? The black swallowtails should be showing up very soon with the tigers close behind! My neighbours lilacs will bloom later than they did last year so I'm looking forward to having lots of tiger swallowtails around for at least a couple of weeks. How are things, butterflywise(!) at Rosetta McC.? Are any of the butterfly attractors blooming yet?
Btw, I was walking across the 'mudflats' at the base of the ski hill in Earl Bales Park Thursday afternoon (overcast, very light rain) when I felt something on my head. A lone red admiral had come by to check me out, really surprising considering the weather at the time! Are we going to see another irruption of red admirals like last years? I hope so but the lousy spring weather probably means no.