Hi everyone!
Let me first start off by saying I love birds and wildlife a great deal, and I'm hoping this post is acceptable here, if not I'm sorry I'm just trying my best as a University student to advocate for something I really believe in.
There now that the formality is out of the way, I've come here today looking for bird lovers in hopes that you might take a minute out of your day to help a worthy cause.
The Wildlife Center of Virginia is a fantastic center which thrives specifically on donations from the public. Every year they rehabilitate hundreds of patients and since 1982 have treated and released as many as 200 species of birds.
As of April 27th, 2011 they have been caring for the Norfolk Botanical Garden eaglets, after their mother was tragically killed.
This center has done amazing work with the eaglets and has high hopes to release them back into the wild in August!
By now you're thinking (I hope) how can I help?
Please Click here for info on where and how to vote:
http://www.wildlifecenter.org/wp/2011/0 ... ty-giving/Chase Community Giving on Facebook is giving money to deserving charities and organizations such as the Virginia Wildlife Center. In doing so they are ensuring that centers such as this one have the ability to maintain quality care and support for wildlife. Voting for the Virginia Wildlife Center is really easy! Voting closes May 25th, we don't have much time left to submit votes and it is my hope that by contacting such a highly established forum I can reach a world-wide audience and ensure that this amazing cause receives the reward it deserves!
Thank you for your time!