An extra day off after the Victoria Day weekend, and all my friends are working. So I take the opportunity of some alone time with me and nature, go for a walk, see what I see. Passing Baltimore Orioles, Yellow Warblers, RWBBs, Robins and Grackles had me thinking this was going to be a regular ol' day when suddenly I noticed this Ring-necked Pheasant. I never knew they visited Ontario. I got to watch him from a distance for a number of minutes until a dog walker with dog off leash came and chased him away. :x
Soon after, I heard a very strange sound coming from a tree near me. I stood quiet and still, scanning the branches and soon discovered a Black-billed Cuckoo. I saw a pair of these about 5 years ago for maybe 3 seconds as they flew off. So I can now put him on my life list. A great long watch of him, hearing his funny sounds (notice the puffed up throat area) until a male Baltimore Oriole came along, having heard enough from this guy, shooed him deeper in the trees.
To me anyways, a couple really cool sightings. And both are lifers for me!
« Last Edit: May 24, 2011, 06:04:07 PM by Rob'in'To »
A birth certificate shows we were born. A death certificate shows we died. Pictures show we live.