obviously #3 is a catbird masterpiece. much better and more interesting than the typical catbird photos one would see. denis, i'm going to one of these days buy a 400mm 5.6 lens and seeing as i know where to find the good catbirds, i will devote THE REST OF MY LIFE to having a catbird contest with you. i'll stop eating and i certainly won't smoke any cigars or drink soda. i'll just get to those catbirds and you'll see! enough nonsense! holy cats! these are some great great pieces of work, and in particular it's #3 that steams my personal cabbage. then again, #2 is also pretty terrific. it's the moody catbirds that get me every time! denis! what do you do with all these photographs? you ought to have a show or something of the like? better still, publish a book and call it CATBIRDS ARE ACTUALLY MELANCHOLY: YOU HEARD IT HERE FIRST. i'll be the first to buy at least three copies...one for my dad and one for my mrs.