In one of Mr Sharp's photo postings both he and Scott remarked about the dearth of comments.
I thought I would have a look at that.
First off I'd say a lot of non-members are viewing the photos and therefore no comment.
Second, at last count there were 1183 members. If you have a look at the total posts by each member you'll find that 600 or so have never posted and another 300 or so have posted less than 5 times. Of the last 300 I would say that only 100 or so are active members. Of these 100 there are some who are active in other sub-forums but not the photo sub-forum. There are a some who only comment on certain people's posts regardless of photo quality. There's even a few who post their photos but rarely if ever comment on others.
Lastly, the ones that are left are members like me.
I view all photo posts, but how often can I post 'Great Photo!' or 'Nice Shot!'? (Of course not all photos, including my own, are stellar shots and therefore do not warrant a 'Great Photo!' or 'Nice Shot!')
To conclude, as long as you are happy with the shot that's all that really matters.
So Post Away! And know that we look and enjoy, but not necessarily comment.