this comment is directed at Denis, but I'm sharing it with the rest of you in hopes of opening up a discussion. Anyhow, I've never met Denis but in a dream last night I did. I was on a little bridge in the middle of a forest, shooting skunks with a short lens. A moustachioed man approached; his moustache was WEIRD but I didn't care. "Hello, Dennis," I said, "the skunks are really booming." "No no, it's DENIS," the man said, "with one N only." I wanted to tell him: "Yeah, okay, the skunks don't know the difference," but all of a sudden the skunks went crazy and sprayed clouds of stink all around us. Denis and I exchanged a knowing glance and started firing off as many frames per second as possible. Denis was shooting close-ups and I was going for the wide angle. Pretty soon we were covered in stink and the skunks were going crazier than ever...
As I said, I reveal this dark but true dream in hopes of opening up a discussion. And the question is this: Should I commit myself to a lunatic asylum posthaste? Joking! The question is this: do you folks dream of birds and photographing birds, as I do? Don't know what the skunks signify, I'd have to consult my Freud. Do I stink photographically? Do the skunks symbolize the fireants that infest most of my favorite photographic locations? Is my beloved hobby in actuality fraught with peril? Or is the dream a fable with the following moral: Life can be adventurous, but pretty stinky?
Anyhow! Denis! Post your gull pics and make us happy!
All the best,