Well, here its well into august and 2 youngsters and the mother skunk still have not left the nest . 3 left shortly after my first post . With the 3 hanging around it gives me a chance to watch their interaction with the other animals that visit my backyard . Just before dark, a large racoon walked between 2 of the skunks - close enough that both turned , lifted tails and let go at the same time, however the racoon was ready for this (apparently a veteran of skunk encounters) and covered his eyes with a paw then in a few seconds passed through - a little smelly but unharmed .
A nice thing is that the skunks tend to keep the neigbourhood cats from preying on birds at my feeder, not so nice is exiting the front door and meeting up with skunk coming towards me . No harm done though , but I think its time for them to become "wild" .