Reuven, I'm hoping you forgot to include a herp in that list: red spotted newts! You MUST have seen specimens that guy from Laurentian doing research on them had with him at the Meet The Researcher day. Actually, were you there that day?

? And if so, what station were you presenting? Would have been so interesting to meet you. A funny thing happened... we were looking at one of the Interpretive program hand-outs and I was kind of laughing about how it was all on a first-name basis... you know.... "join Alison and Reuven as they blah blah" and I thought to myself, "Huh, what a coincidence. Another Reuven who obviously has vast wildlife knowledge (to be hired onto the naturalist staff). I wonder what the chances are that it is the same Reuven from the forums." And then we came home a few weeks later and read your messages on here about working up there. Small world.
BTW: I couldn't get a straight answer out of that guy - David something or other. I was so interested in where the heck he discovered such a high population of red spotted newts / red efts in the park. I was assuming the Bat Lake area but he would not say. I swear I think everyone is worried that any inquisitive people (when it comes to reptiles) are really poachers for the black-market pet trade! I'm interested in population demographics and the differences between the west half and east half of the park.
Which reminds me! Smooth green snakes.... you had 'em in your list. Where oh where

(pleading hands). I've been hunting them all my life and have never seen one. I'm going to start wearing bright pink boots and kicking grass as I walk!