Here's my full list of some major groups for the summer:
Birds (highlights only):
Ring-necked, Wood, Black, Mallard ducklings
Many loons
American Bitterns
Spruce, Ruffed Grouse and Wild Turkey
Broad-winged, Sharp-shinned, Red-tailed Hawks, Osprey, Merlin
Barred Owl
Black-billed Cuckoo
Sapsucker Fledglings
Least, Yellow-bellied, Olive-sided and Alder Flycatchers, Kingbird, Pewee and Phoebe
Gray Jay
Boreal Chickadee
Veery, Hermit and Swainson’s Thrush, Bluebird
Scarlet Tanager
Tennessee, Nashville, Parula, Chestnut-sided, Magnolia, Yellow-rumped, Blackburnian, Black-throated Blue, Black-throated Green, Cape May, Blackpoll, Bay-breasted, Pine, Redstart, Black-and-white, Yellowthroat, Wilson’s, Canada Warblers
White-winged Crossbill, Purple Finch and Evening Grosbeak
Red-backed and Two-lined Salamanders
Bull, Green, Mink, Leopard, Gray Tree Frogs, Spring Peeper, American Toad
Red-bellied, Ring-necked, Water, Smooth Green and Garter Snakes
Blanding’s, Painted and Snapping Turtles
Little Brown Bat
Shrew sp.
Woodland Jumping and Deer Mouse
Meadow Vole
Snowshoe Hare
Eastern Chipmunk
Red Squirrel
Eastern Wolf
Red Fox
White-tailed Deer
Black Bear
Ebony and River Jewelwing
Northern, Lyre-tipped, Spotted, Slender, Elegant, Swamp and Emerald Spreadwing
Eastern Red and Aurora Damsel
Violet and Powdered Dancer
Eastern and Fragile (first record for Algonquin park found by me!) Forktail
Sedge and Sphagnum Sprite
Marsh, Hagen’s, Tule, Stream and Vesper Bluet
Springtime, Common Green, Variable, Shadow, Black-tipped, Mottled, Canada, Green-striped, Lance-tipped, Lake, Fawn and Occelated Darner
Black-shouldered Spinylegs
Eastern Least, Moustached, Lancet, Dusky and Zebra Clubtail
Rusty Snaketail
Delta-spotted and Twin-spotted Spiketail
Stream and Swift River Cruiser
American, Racket-tailed, Occelated, Williamson’s, Kennedy’s, Ski-tipped and Lake Emerald
Common, Spiny and Prince Baskettail
Stygian Shadowdragon
Wandering Glider
Calico Pennant
Hudsonian, Frosted, Belted and Crimson-ringed Whiteface
Band-winged, White-faced, Cherry-faced, Saffron-winged and Autumn Meadowhawk
Twelve-spotted, Four-spotted and Slaty Skimmer
Common Whitetail
Chalk-fronted Corporal
Canadian Tiger Swallowtail
Cabbage White
Clouded and Pink-edged Sulphur
American and Bog Copper
Summer Azure
Aphrodite, Silver-bordered and Great Spangled Fritillary
Crescent sp.
Eastern and Green Comma
Milbert’s Tortoiseshell
Mourning Cloak
White Admiral
Common Buckeye
Northern Pearly-eye
Eyed Brown
Little Wood-satyr
Common Ringlet
European, Leonard’s, Common Branded, Peck’s, Tawny-edged, Long Dash, Hobomok and Dun Skipper