Hi, looking for any recommendations - where is a good place in Toronto to go to photograph butterflies? .. preferably one I can get to by TTC.
Thank you.
May I suggest a couple of places that haven't been mentioned - the Guild Inn and Toronto Botanical Gardens, both of which are TTC accessible and do not require much walking once you are there. I'm pretty close to TBG and based on what I've seen so far this summer things should really be hopping (er, I mean fluttering!) for the next few weeks! We visited the Guild Inn last Saturday and despite the crowds (for the arts festival) I saw monarchs, a white admiral and a few skippers feeding in the gardens and a female hummingbird also came by several times to feed in the south end of the gardens.
Also try Humber Bay east park and the Leslie Street Spit for monarchs starting in late August.
High Park can be excellent; in a good year the fields surrounding Hawk Hill (just north of Grenadier Cafe) can be full of monarchs but for the best shooting cross the road and walk down the paved path to the gardens surrounding the two buildings on the east side of the path. There's a stand of buddlea (butterfly bush) on the west side of the south building that attracts all sorts of butterflies but the gardens to the north and south are also great, especially for monarchs, painted ladies and red admirals.
Rosetta is also great (if nothing else you'll meet lots of nice people doing the raptor watch) and by mid September you may also see lots of migrating dragonflies and hummingbirds (watch the hanging baskets for hummers stopping to feed as they head west along the lakeshore).