Nice set John!
Something about that Green Darner was bothering me though. It just didn't look right with the green extending so far down into the abdomen, but I couldn't think what else it could be. :? Finally it hit me: I think it's a young male Eastern Pondhawk who hasn't yet acquired all his blue. Additional clues: the white claspers and the horizontal perch. (Darners of all types generally perch vertically or near vertical.)
If I'm right it's a great capture. That's not an often seen "plumage".
The other one I'm not so sure of is the Lancet Clubtail. With the bright colours and almost all black S8 contrasting with the mostly bright yellow S9 & S10, it looks more like a Pronghorn Clubtail to me. Again, if I'm right it's a much rarer find around S. Ontario.