Strange Butterfly Names
Outdoor Ontario

Strange Butterfly Names

JW Mills

  • Old Timer
  • *****
    • Posts: 1491
This year I expanded my horizons and started shooting more butterflies. I picked up a Kaufman's Guide and was looking thru it to ID some recent finds when I came across some odd names:
- Confused Cloudywing. Bad enough that I'm confused!
- Mournful Duskywing. What? How does a butterfly look mournful?
- Dreamy Duskywing. See above!
- Sleepy Duskywing. Again, see above!
- Unsilvered Fritillary. Unsilvered? What's up with that?
- Fatal Metalmark. A butterfly that causes death or destruction?
- Mormon Metalmark. A butterfly that got religion I guess.
- Sleepy Orange. Again with the sleepy!
- Blue-eyed Sailor. A favourite of the ladies no doubt.
- Hammock Skipper. This one should be easy to find!
- Malicious Skipper. Stay away from this guy!
- Rural Skipper. As opposed to a City or Town Skipper, neither of which I could find.
- Redundant Skipper. They got this one right, it was listed twice!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by JW Mills »
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