Just adding my 2 cents! Sorry it's so late, just reading it now.
First, Pelee, on a good day, is incredible! The issue is that those good days are not every day and may not coincide with the day (or 5 days) that you are there, there are some Springs that the weather just doesn't coincide with a "fallout" and you just end up getting "ones & twos" of a bunch of species.
Second, the reports you are seeing are a consolidation of hundreds (even thousands) of birders dispersed all over the park coming back to the visitor centre and reporting their sightings - the staff are simply sending us their consolidated reports. If any of you were there for the male Painted Bunting a few years back, it is a perfect example. I spent 3 hours of my day sitting and waiting for 1 bird that everyone knew was in the same spot for 3 days (but we still had to wait for it to show it's face), so it made the rest of my day shorter looking for various other species.
Third, many people, including me, count "heard-only" birds (if I am 100% positive) but they often do not mention this in their reports to ONTBIRDS. I know that I generally say when it is heard-only but sometimes forget too.
This same thought goes with any other reports, for example, Thickson's Woods (a very popular GTA-area spot) will have a report of something "good" but even in such a small woodlot, it can be very difficult to find 1 specific species - as I always like to say "birds do have wings" - they could be anywhere (even out of the woodlot).
So, having said all that, take each report you see on ONTBIRDS with these thoughts, knowing that 1 birder (or 1 group of birders) could never find all birds reported on ONTBIRDS. If you have a doubt, simply e-mail the poster privately for further info, you will usually get a response.
Go forth and enjoy!! Honestly, for me, the fun is trying to find the birds - it's all about the chase!
Cheers & good birding,
Frank Pinilla
Richmond Hill, ON