Virginia Rail and Wilson's Snipe @ Darlington Nuclear Trail
Outdoor Ontario

Virginia Rail and Wilson's Snipe @ Darlington Nuclear Trail


  • Old Timer
  • *****
    • Posts: 315
I spotted a juvenile Virginia Rail on the N. side of the pond near the west entrance on Solina Rd around 10:30 this morning. I observed it for 5-6 mins before it disappeared into the bullrushes. Later I spotted a Wilson's snipe a bit further east, still in the narrows section before the pond opens up. Again it was on the north side on the mud flats.

The Rail was a lifer for me and a great treat. I also spotted a greater yellowlegs and a solitary sandpiper as well.

Earlier in the day at West Side Marsh I enjoyed some solid sightings.

Highlights include:

-philadelphia vireo
-bay-breasted, blackpoll, N. Parula, redstart, wilson's, chestnut-sided, blackburnian, black-throated blue, cape may, palm, magnolia and common yellowthroats
-1 osprey
-2 white-throated, 2 savannah sparrows

On Tuesday at Darlington Nuclear I also spotted 4 bald eagles and a Merlina.

All in all a great week.

Happy birding!

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by beresford »