I was out in Cayuga this morning at Ruthven Park for the bird banding. Overall it was a very quiet morning for netting birds. I did luck out upon my arrival with a Connecticut Warbler just about to be released... so I did get a very good look at one. I'd never seen one before. So, since the morning was so low key, I participated in a census of the grounds recording all sightings.
So I got two more firsts being Caspian Terns X 6, and a Lesser Yellowlegs! An Osprey, Great Blue Heron, Eastern Bluebird, numerous Red-bellied Woodpeckers, even more Turkey Vultures made the list.
Upon our return to the station, we were fortunate enough to see an anomaly of sorts. A Rose-breasted Grosbeak who was first banded in May 2008. He's got the wings of an adult but the head and some of the markings on the chest/breast sure don't say adult male. Check out the pics...
Oh, and lastly, they are having their second annual "Ruthven's For The Birds" Festival this weekend from the 16th to 18th. Saturday is the big day of course where the banding station is open from 6am to 1pm. You may participate in a census walk at 7:30am which lasts 1.5 to 2 hours. Or try an adventure for serious hikers where you join the Grand Valley Trail Association for a 6km hike along the Grand River going through mixed forest and making your way back to the park. Many speakers throughout the day! And the Canadian Raptor Conservancy will be putting on 3 shows at 11:30, 12:30 and 2pm with meet and greet the birds inbetween.
Here's some pics from today...
Connecticut Warbler

Here's the interesting looking Grosbeak I mentioned...

And one on my hike, a Common Yellowthroat (I think) but sure looks like the Connecticut.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Rob'in'To »
A birth certificate shows we were born. A death certificate shows we died. Pictures show we live.