Since everything but Wood Thrush is in play,I will give my thoughts. Id never try to trick anyone with 2 pics of 2 different birds. I thought immediately that the bird was a Swainsons Thrush. Im positive there was no rust in the tail,so it wasnt a Hermit Thrush,I always eliminate that first. It didnt have the kind of overall colour of a Veery,though my experience viewing Veery is not extensive. It seemed to have too much buffy colour on the side of its face and chest area to be a Gray-cheeked Thrush. My overall impression was that it was a Swainson's Thrush. There were several like the one in the photos. There were 2 I viewed today,which I saw as Gray-cheeked,one which was within a few feet of a Swainsons,giving a good,though still subtle contrast.