Today I decided to spend my day at The Canadian Peregrine Foundations Raptor Centre where I volunteer a great deal and watch which raptors migrated past. The weather was perfect and I couldnt get down to Rosetta McClain Raptor Watch. I was not disappointed. With just one person to spot..ME and a huge vista to view,I spotted 189 raptors consisting of
20 Turkey Vultures
2 Northern Harriers
1 Bald Eagle..juvenile at 3:33pm
4 Sharpshinned Hawks
1-Coopers Hawk
3-Red-shouldered Hawks
151 Redtailed Hawks
3-Roughlegged Hawks
5-Golden Eagles all juvenile at 2 of them 2:30pm,3:05pm and 2 more at 3:15pm
I enjoyed myself despite the cold!! Luckily I had access to the barn and a space heater!!!