I haven't seen any of these species in Ontario myself, but I looked up e-Bird for recent sightings closest to Toronto:
Evening Grosbeak: 6 in Lakehurst north of Peterborough Jan 6
Pine Grosbeak: 9 in Algonquin (Mizzy lake trail) Jan 5
White-winged Crossbill: Plenty of sightings, e.g., 26 at Luther Marsh Jan 7 and 15 at the Mountain Bluebird spot in Puslinch on Jan 8. The flocks move around a lot though so it's probably much of a hit and miss
Red Crossbill: 3 in Algonquin (Minseing Trail) Jan 4
For a good chance on all four of them there's probably nothing else besides Algonquin within reasonable distance from Toronto.