Toronto Island problems (for some)
Outdoor Ontario

Toronto Island problems (for some)


  • Old Timer
  • *****
    • Posts: 1520
Following is a copy of an email I sent to Counsellor McConnell, Mayor Miller, etc.

If anyone else has a complaint about same please email the counsellor and mayor. You will find their addresses in City of Toronto web site.

Ms McConnell
 I am a birder who leads mixed groups of birders and naturalists throughout the GTA and one of the primary places is the Toronto Islands. The group consists of adults, young teens and at times children.
 I am emailing you because I have some questions about some ongoing problems.
- Why are we seeing naked people sun bathing on the public paths through the dunes "behind" the clothing optional beach ?
- Why are we seeing naked men performing sodomy on Gibralter Point far away from the clothing optional beach ?
- Why did we see a naked man masturbating on a public path through the dunes "behind" the clothing optional beach ?
- Why are we seeing naked or scantily clad men trolling the public paths through the dunes from Gibralter Point to the area west of the airport fence ?
- Why are we seeing men setting up little rendezvous enclaves well north of the clothing optional beach ?
- Why bother to go to the expense of erecting signs, etc. if they do not mean what they say.
These are questions that I and others are asking plus the big question - WHY has nothing been done about this, either this year or any other year ??
Park employees are well aware of this as we see them working near or beside these people. Is there not a police presence on the islands and if so where are they ?
 Is Hanlans going to become another High Park, Unwin Ave. or Tommy Thompson Park ? where a blind eye is turned to make a minority happy at the expense of the many that go to enjoy such areas.
By the way I have no problem with there being a "Clothing Optional Beach" after all this is the 2000's and to each his own but why has that become an excuse for the other happenings.
Expecting some answers and some long over due action for once.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Anonymous »