Its been a slow start to February, but it hasn't been without its moments. I figured I'd include the highlights from the past 7-10 days, as there have been quite a few.
January 26- Long Sault and Solina
-1m hairy
-1m 1f downy
-5 wild turkeys
-4 cedar waxwings
-3 white-throated sparrows
-2m 1f rb nuthatches
-3 N. Flickers- I've them in singles in the winter but never three together like that
-1f red-bellied woodpecker
-1 bohemian waxwing- it perched atop a pine about 25 feet away from me with its four cedar friends... my only sighting of the year
-49 pine siskins- some excelelnt close-ups- they were so engrossed in their feeding that they let me approach to the base of the tree they were in- it was great to see so many
Jan. 29
-1 western red-tailed hawk- spotted it along the 401 right near the Stevenson exit on the NW side
-1m 1f great-horned owl in my backyard- which for a freehold townhome is quite a sight. They were hooting in the backyard around midnight and I was able to see both birds in silhouette. Pretty sure they were 'courting'.
-1 kestrel
-7m 3f redhead
Jan.31- Bowmanville Valleys
-1f N. Flicker
-1m belted kingfisher
-1 white-throated sparrow
-1 adult f red-shouldered hawk- it was perched in a tree at the base of the hill near the N. entrance to the park- for over 5mins I enjoyed some wonderful close-ups, by far the best I've ever had
Feb- 3-4- Long Sault- Greenwood Conservation Area
-1m hairy woodpecker
-2 N. Shrikes- one was at Long Sault the other was near the entrance to Greenwood
-1 raven- spotted it at Long Sault- a nice long look as it circled around for several minutes
-1m belted kingfisher
-35 robinms- just to the NE of Green wood
-1 red-shouldered hawk- another clean look at a handsome adult bird once again near the entrance to Greenwood- 2 in less than a week- perched in the open- for me thats quite a treat!
Cheers and Happy Birding!