Whimbrel, etc. at Sam Smith Park
Outdoor Ontario

Whimbrel, etc. at Sam Smith Park


  • Old Timer
  • *****
    • Posts: 1520
Good day
 Other birds that I observed besides the Whimbrel mentioned by Wayne Renaud (2542 birds) were 12 Warbler species including a singing Connecticut Warbler, seen and heard, a singing Northern Waterthrush, Wilson's, Blackburnian and 8 of the commoner species. The "Olive-sided Oriole" :-)) was heard and seen for the second year. This Baltimore Oriole does a perfect "Quick Three Beers" and fools everyone that I have talked to, that is until they track down the bird and are surprised that it is an Oriole and not an Olive-sided Flycatcher.
 There is a Red-necked Grebe, a Hooded Merganser, and 3 Common Loons hanging around and 11 White-winged Scoters passed by over the lake as did 5 Dunlin chased by a Least Sandpiper but I did not see any Black-bellied Plovers passing on this outing.
 There were also a number of Swainson's and Gray-cheeked Thrushes, Least Flycatchers and out beyond the trees at least 5 Willow Flycatchers singing/calling and in full song were 2 Northern Mockingbirds.
 All in all a nice place to spend a morning and the Whimbrel should be passing for at least the next few days but the best viewing time is in the morning.
Good Luck if you go


To get to Col. Sam Smith Park from Queen & Yonge Streets. Take the Queen Street Car #501 (Long Branch) west to Kipling Ave. The park is across from the street car stop behind the Humber College buildings. Depending on which Queen Street streetcar you board you may or may not have to transfer from one car to another at the Humber Loop, but this is no big deal.

You can also take the Kipling South #44 TTC bus from Kipling subway station directly to the Col. Sam Smith Park loop.

By automobile from downtown Toronto drive west on Lakeshore Blvd, cross the Humber River Bridge at Sunnyside and drive to Kipling Ave. turn left (south) and your in Colonel Sam Smith Park..
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Anonymous »