Flycatcher, Warblers and Cuckoos on the Toronto Islands
Outdoor Ontario

Flycatcher, Warblers and Cuckoos on the Toronto Islands


  • Old Timer
  • *****
    • Posts: 1520
Good afternoon people.

 Just returned for one final bird outing (for this season) on the Toronto Islands. It started out as a beautiful day and stayed that way except that after about noon a strong northwest wind developed and kind quieted an already quiet birding day. I went down there today to hopefully find some migrant Flycatchers and in this I was successful with 6 species and after shaking the bushes I also came up with 11 Warbler species, not many of each but more than I expected.

 The best Flycatcher was an Acadian Flycatcher in what we call "The Trap" and I also found Least, Willow and Great Crested Flycatchers as well as Eastern Wood Pewees and Eastern Kingbirds. All of these Flycatchers were very co-operative and were calling, even the Kingbirds.

 I also found 2 Mourning Warblers and Blackpoll, Blackburnian and Wilson's Warblers as well as 2 Black-billed Cuckoos, one was behind the washroom directly south of the Wards Island ferry dock and one was on Snake Island (softly calling).

 A surprise find was 6 Canvasbacks in the trout pond on Gibralter Point.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Anonymous »