Yesterday I was at Oriole park, at about 5:00 pm, at the little pond, rather than on the river. We were looking at the turtles and suddenly a little furry creature popped up on the bank, swirling and climbing around and thru the logs. One of my kids thought it was a fox at first, reddish and sturdy, with a thick furry tail, but it was too long and low. It went into the water, swam along the surface, showing both back and tail at the top of the water. The ducks on the pond kept it company as it crossed to the other side, but before long, it dipped back into the water, crossed back, and climbed out and disappeared behind the brush and logs. Tail too thick for muskrat and too thin and furry for beaver. I think it was under a metre in length including its tail, which was nearly as thick, but not quite as long as its body. Does that sound right?