The Other night I spotted a bird that looked a little unusual for this area. I went looking to no avail. Tonight I had some luck. According to my guide It appears to be a Greater Yellow legs. I Honestly have never seen one so I could be way off. I also spotted at least three types of Swalllows, Bank, Barn and Rough winged.. They were all skimming low over the water. The Rough Winged swallows would occasionaly touch and appear to snatch something from the water (insect I would assume). While I was attempting to get an image of one of the swallow's I noticed something moving right along the shore of the lagoon. I have no idea what type of bird it is. In the image there appears to be 2 birds, they appear to have a very short tails. Not enough info for me to even hazard a guess..Tonight I was there to see if the mergansers were there again. I have yet to go through all the images I took. Napper (images a 7:30 pm sitting in the mud)
:lol: :lol: