Good evening Guys and Gals
A beautiful day for birding The Islands
and today I came up with 86 species with only 13 Waterfowl and 1 Shorebird Species but a great day it was and tomorrow will be better (I can only hope).
I started at Wards Island as usual and by the time I got to Hanlans Point 9 hours later I had found some nice birds despite the noise of the mowers, tree cutters, mulchers, airplanes and a rescue helicopter offshore most of the day. Following are some of the birds that I found and enjoyed.
Wood Ducks, 5 Canvasbacks, 2 Surf Scoters, 5 Great Egrets, Cooper's Hawk, Common Loon, Great-crested Flycatchers, many Least Flycatchers, 5 Thrushes including Veery, Swainson's, Hermit and Wood, Thrashers, Carolina, Winter, and House Wrens, 17 Gnatcatchers, 5 Swallow species, Purple Finch, 17 Warbler species including 2 Orange-crowned, Parula, Cape May, Pine, and N. Waterthrush, 9 Sparrow species including Lincoln's, many Chipping and E. Towhee, Rose-breasted Grosbeaks. and 4 Bobolinks.
A nice day to be out and not stuck in an office :lol: (or what ever) and I look forward to another day on The Islands again tomorrow for what ever surprises the day holds.