Rouge Park Odonates and a common buckeye
Outdoor Ontario

Rouge Park Odonates and a common buckeye

gary yankech

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Today I was leading  a small group  with the Rouge Park Odonate Survey. We have been surveying the park since late May and have seen many dragons and damsels. Unofficially (from what I remember), here is what we saw today:

Familiar Bluet
Stream Bluet
Northern/Vernal Bluet
Spotted Spreadwing
Amber-winged Spreadwing
Slender Spreadwing
Lyre-tipped Spreadwing
Four-spotted  Skimmer
Twelve-spotted Skimmer
Widow Skimmer
Common Whitetail (M/F)
Black Saddlebags
Eastern Pondhawk (M/F)
Eastern Forktail (M/F)
Belted Whiteface
Dot-tailed Whiteface
Racquet-tailed Emerald
Common Green Darner
Ruby Meadowhawk
Cherry-faced Maedowhawk

No sedge sprites  today.

and the highlight today was  not a dragon or damsel but.....a Common Buckeye.

Common Buckeye by Gary Yankech, on Flickr
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Gary Yankech