RFI - Plover in my backyard???
I am not a pro. birder. I observe birds at the feeder in my back yard (midtown Toronto), and have Peterson Field Guide to Birds of Eastern and Central North America book to try to identify them.
I have now seen the same bird twice in a week in my backyard, but it does not come to the feeders (seeds only). It hops around my vegetable garden, pokes its longish beak around the surface a few times, then flies off. And I cannot find anything in my birding book that fits its description. It only stayed for about 10 seconds each time, but here are the features I've noted:
1. overall the bird is about 2 times the size of a bluejay.
2. mousey brown all over; slightly lighter brown underneath
3. longish beak and spindly legs, like a kildeer or plover
4. very noticable reddish-rust mark on the top of the head, slightly redder colour than a robin's breast.
5. when it flies off, a very noticable white patch at the tail end, upper side, which is not noticable when not in flight as the wings cover it.
It did not make any sounds on either visit.
I'm stumped. There's nothing in my book that matches it, especially the reddish dot that covers most of the top of its head.
Does anyone have any idea what it might be?