Its been a busy couple of weeks, especially as migration has started to pick up as of late.
Highlights include:
-yellow-bellied-4, olive-sided flycatchers-10
-2 common nighthawks
-broadwinged, sharpshinned and coopers hawks, plus a persistent merlin
-Green and blue herons
-wood ducks and hooded mergansers
-2 common loons flew over today- Aug. 29
-3 philadelphia vireos
-1 black-billed cuckoo
-1 pileated woodpecker
-2 brown thrashers
-5 rb grosbeaks
-4 indigo buntings
-20+ scarlet tanagers
-1 grasshopper sparrow
-1 w-t sparrow
-1 dark-eyed junco -Aug. 25 earliest I've ever seen one in S. Ontario
-12+ purple finch
-4 juv. E. towhees
A whopping 24 warbler species have passed through in the past two weeks including seventeen on Aug.15 and twenty on August 22, a fall record for me.
Highlights include:
-25+ canada, 8 bay-breasted, 75+ pine, 15+ bt blue, 5 cape may, 1 palm, 60+ blackburnian, 3 N. waterthrush, 2 ovenbirds, 2 parulas, 4 mourning, 2 blue wings (Aug. 11 & 22), 1 juv. hooded (Aug.11)- a lifer for me, 1 juv. f golden-winged warbler- FOY (Aug. 17)
Other birds of interest
-1 2nd year bald eagle -Darlington Marsh
-1 American bittern- Darlington marsh
-1 N. goshawk- quarry lakes golf course
-4 ravens- 2 @ Darlington Marsh & 2 @ W. Side marsh
-5 marsh wrens @ W. Side Marsh
-1 swainson's thrush @ W. Side Marsh
-5 orchard orioles (Aug. 15 &17th)- W. Side marsh
-10 bobolinks @ W. Side marsh
-7 N. mockingbirds @ W. Side Marsh & Darlington pond
-4 purple finch- W. Side marsh
1 blackpoll warbler @ W. Side marsh
Cheers and happy birding!