I saw this thread and decided to ride down to the park rather than do yard work. (
What I sacrifice for birding! :wink: ) A possible Least Tern a few blocks from home was too tempting to pass up.
I didn't find it, but I did find both Common and Caspian Terns. Could it be that the "Common" were Caspian, and the "Least" were Common? Common Terns have a quick, bouncy flight style. Caspian are more gull-like, with shallow beats. I've never seen a Least, so I can't describe their flight, but they are
really small: slightly larger, but less bulky than a Purple Martin. Caspian Terns also have a very large red bill.
Here is a Caspian (a larger version of my avatar):
And here is a Common Tern:
Than again, maybe Margaret was lucky and I wasn't.