Thanks! He/she sure adds life... and death to the yard. Funny how I like Sharpie munching on Starlings but am like a scolding parent when he grabs a Chickadee. And so thankful he's not taken a Cardinal or Downy yet, that I know of. We had an adventure today so I am adding a few more shots...
Sharpie grabbed a Starling this morning. I took notice at some point during my morning coffee. The feasting was happening at the back of the yard, about 100 ft from the kitchen window. So I snuck outside, and hid behind our "Critter Christmas Tree", not getting too close to disturb the Hawk having it's meal. Notice the Starling's feet sticking up and it's decapitated head (beak over the Hawk's foot)?
Gold Finches, both Nuthatch species, Chickadees and a Blue Jay went about their business of feeding at the feeders during this. I recon they knew they were safe now. And half a dozen Squirrels were running around, but this one took notice to the Hawk.
The Squirrel got closer and closer. And the Hawk acted out accordingly, letting the Squirrel know he was getting too close.
"Back off buddy!"
The Squirrel would leave only to return 5 or 10 minutes later, and again, and again. I monitored the activity both from inside the kitchen and out in the yard over 75 minutes. The Hawk continued to stand it's ground over it's kill. Eating in short spells, and then just chilling out over the Starling, or flaring out at this Squirrel.
And finally, the Hawk had enough of all the disturbances, took the rest of his meal and headed up into the cedars next door.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
A birth certificate shows we were born. A death certificate shows we died. Pictures show we live.