Peregrine Falcon Harvest
Outdoor Ontario

Peregrine Falcon Harvest


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I just recieved this from my friends at the Canadian Peregrine Foundation,the proposed harvest has been known of for some time,but public comment until now,had not been solicited. Please feel free to forward this to friends or groups U know who may be interested.
Just received an announcement from the US Fish and Wildlife Service concerning its plans to allow the harvest / take of northern wild peregrine produced falcons while on migration in the USA, and now is the time for public comment on the issue!!!

You have now been invited by the USFW to comment on the proposed  harvest of northern peregrine falcons while on migration in the USA.

Your comments can be sent electronically to the USFW at:

The due date for comments is February 11, 2008.


It may also be useful to know that:

This will be an annual / yearly harvest of northern produced migratory peregrine falcons while in the USA.

This harvest will clearly identified migration routes in area’s in the bordering U.S. Great Lakes States where the take & trapping will be permitted.

This harvest will specifically target those peregrines which have been hatched and produced in Ontario, Quebec, the Northwest Territories and the Maritime provinces that will pass through these targeted harvest areas each year during their fall migration .  

This proposed harvest will exclude the take / harvest of state resident U.S. hatched /produced peregrines. (state populations are simply too low).

The average biologist has no way of telling the difference between the three sub species of peregrines, nor could they determine with any certainty where the trapped peregrine was actually produced, (rendering its sub species identification impossible), thus threatening the ongoing recovery efforts of  other US resident state peregrine populations.

This proposed plan ignores the fact that the peregrine falcon is federally listed & protected by law in both countries, in addition to being protected by state laws in the proposed US states where the trapping will be permitted. The peregrine falcon is ALSO a listed species in Canada, and is also protected by both federal and provincial legislation.


Ontario’s peregrine population remains at fewer than 80 occupied territories, despite more than 25 years of on-going recovery efforts on a national scale in Canada.   More than 90% of Ontario’s peregrines will migrate south to the US during the proposed fall harvest time frames.  100% of the Canadian Maritimes peregrine population will migrate to the south.  This proposed US harvest of Canadian produced migrant / passage peregrines will have no scientific or biological benefits for the peregrine populations in either countries, and the sole purpose for this harvest will be for the private take of these wild birds.  


The USFW’s planned harvest is being proposed despite the fact that hundreds of licensed falcon breeders on both sides of the boarder typically have an excess of un-sold captive produced stock of peregrines at the end of each year, (a surplus of un-sold peregrines).
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by BIGFRANK »

David Shilman

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The press released appears as a link on the Foundation web site and is dated January 2007.  

A web search turns up little, except they have been talking about this since 1999.

I'm going to do a bit more research...

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by David Shilman »
David Shilman
Toronto, ON

"Always wave to the locals!"


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Hi David,Im glad U are taking the interest to do some research and make an informed decision. Those who've met me know I volunteer with the Canadian Peregrine Foundation,and I posted the notice not representing them,but to let birders know of this proposal. By no means is my intention to have people blindly follow and send remarks of outrage,but to create awareness and stimulate thought and discussion. I think its important to put this and other wildlife and environmental issues infront of as many people as possible. Some will do nothing others will be moved to action,either way,if people arent informed there is no chance they will care.
It should be said that a "concession" was made,and that banded Peregrines will be considered part of a recovery program and therefore those birds will not be allowed to be kept. This is of some solace to me,personally.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by BIGFRANK »

David Shilman

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OK, did a bit of research.  I think this issue has come up again because of a "DEA", a Draft Environmental Assessment and Management Plan done by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service entitled "Take of Migrant Peregrine Falcons From The Wild For Use in Falconry" dated October 2007 found here--  Read at your leisure (it's 32 pages long).

As BIGFRANK posted, you can send comments to by Feb 11, 2008.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by David Shilman »
David Shilman
Toronto, ON

"Always wave to the locals!"