Toronto Sun Column
Outdoor Ontario

Toronto Sun Column

Axeman · 1 · 1802


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In the the Dec 17 / 07 edition of the Toronto Sun (I was killing time in a McDonalds and there was a copy laying around), there was a column by a Connie Woodcock entitled "Rural residents not ready to grin and bear it", in which Ms. Woodcock attempts to create hysteria over black bears invading southern Ontario to garner support for the return of Ontario's spring bear hunt. I thought it was an extremely irresponsible article. Ms. Woodcock bases her opinion on 2 incidents, one which was a minor sighting of three bears from the safety of a vehicle and the other, the result of an irresponsible dog owner.

I am not a hunter but I am not against hunting. However, I think Ms. Woodstock's article is an irresponsible and thoughtless justification to support a hunt that has been faulted in the past.

I intend on sending her a short note.

Here is a link to Ms. Woodcock's article: ... 62-sun.php

Her email address is listed with the internet article but address is listed with the hardcopy as
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Axeman »