According to the TRCA spokeswoman on the YouTube clip, if jets are allowed in the island airport, the risk to people of bird strikes is so great that the Leslie Street Spit will probably have to be destroyed in order to effectively discourage waterfowl. This is in spite of strong provincial designations intended to protect it. (I do urge you to hear the clip yourself.)
The City of Toronto's executive committee is meeting to discuss the issue next Tuesday, March 25, and Council will discuss it April 1.
Please send an email with your concerns to the executive committee before the meeting. Choose the Submit Comments icon on the web page: ... 014.EX40.1You may wish to attend the meeting. If you wish to speak (five minutes is the standard limitation), you will find an icon to make this request on the above page.
You should also inform your councillor of your opinion. Feel free to contact all the others as well. Find your councillor and contact information on the City's web page: