!. Robin singing
2. Chickadee singing (briefly on Wed only)
3. Mourning cloaks, at least 2, Wed
4. Worms in the dirt.
Other news: more than one bird trilling at a time and the trills are slightly different eg on Wednesday one triller sounded reedy & another sounded dry (juncos still present). Hawks appear from time to time. I think they spend most of the day in High Park & come here when High Park is busy eg Sunday, approx 4 pm. They don't appreciate sharing the garden & yell at me when I'm there. Yesterday one flew in from the north at approx 4:15 & gave the call (halfway between "kek" and "kik" before landing--first time I've heard that call in flight. The cardinal sings. It's especially vigorous when the hawk doesn't seem to be around, ending its call with a long trill that would be tongued if it were a brass player.