This is Jonny from Downsview Park! I just wanted to let you know that on April 27th ( a week Sunday) Downsview Park will be hosting a public education program that will have a bird and citizen science focus. The program is called "Nature Connection", more information can be found here (
http://www.downsviewpark.ca/content/dow ... connection)
This free public program will introduce people to the basic concepts of “birding” and how they can become Citizen Scientists! This program usually sees a number of young families participate, many of them will have little to no experience spotting birds.
Everything we count will be uploaded to
www.ebird.org . Downsview Park is a “Hot Spot” on ebird, this is a link to where you can see all of the activity that has been reported in the park (
http://ebird.org/ebird/hotspot/L1437376 ). Our 100th species was recently recorded, so exciting!
I was hoping that some people from Toronto’s birding community could help Downsview Park by sharing their incredible bird knowledge. If you want to come out to the park and share your knowledge you would be partnered with a Downsview Park Staff member. Our staff would be responsible for leading the group around the park and directing people, you (if you're interested) would help us out by counting and pointing out any birds you see or hear. As many of you know Downsview Park is a fantastic place to bird, this program will be an opportunity to give back and share your joy of birding with a new wave of potential birders!
We would welcome the help of volunteers on April 27th from 1:40-4:00.
Please let me know if you are able to help out during this program or if you have any questions. Please also share this message with anyone who may be interested in volunteering. If you would like to help out please email Jonny at
https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/downsview-p ... 1190072809 Thanks so much,