No question? Sorry, I question. Fully prepared to admit I am wrong, but what are the features that make it orange-crowned?
Yes, there is something going on on top of the head. But I am not convinced it is orange. It looks mostly olive to me, mixed in with gray. It looks too gray-hooded for orange-crowned. And it has absolutely no "blurry breast streaking" to quote Peterson's Warblers book, which we need for orange-crowned.
I will still argue in favour of mourning warbler, but not from a position of certainty. The overall pattern of the bird fits, but it seems a bit dull in its yellowness. The gray hood I cannot get out of anything else. The bird seems rather plump, which for me is right for mourning and wrong for orange-crowned, which appear small and slender. The bill is out of focus, but appears quite long, too large for orange-crowned.