i was also there saturday! my husband and i saw the juvenile bald eagle, as well as a short eared owl.
the bald eagle came pretty close to us - right by the bird banding station, on the lake ice. got into a scufuffle with a sea gull

found an in tact cormorant skull as well...walking on the two peninsulas past the red bridge is always a bit unnerving for me, being surrounded by impaled birds and countless bones of dead animals. last time we found a dead muskrat, this time a dead raccoon. and tons of gigantic dead fish.
found some coyote tracks and cottontail scat as well...did anyone spot those animals anywhere this season yet?
got two pics of the owl and eagle, but both are pretty grainy - i am afraid. i only have a 6 megapixel kodak digicam :/
i hope to remedy this soon.

no small bird sightings though - only chickadees near the bird banding station. i was hoping to see some redpolls