Carden Birds
Outdoor Ontario

Carden Birds


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After my first visit last week, I decided to go there again hoping to see a few that I haven't seen before. And sure enough, I got to see 4 lifers besides a host of others. It was supposed to be sunny; however, by the time I arrived after a brief stop-over at Prospect Marsh it was already overcast. I went straight to Shrike road - no Shrike to be seen. On my way back to Wylie road I saw a Loggerhead Shrike (may be a Northern; hard to tell as it was quite far from the road). May be the experts in this forum can confirm.

1&2. Black-billed Cuckoo

3: Upland Sandpiper

4. Virginia Rail (this one is from Prospect Marsh)

5. Loggerhead Shrike?

6. Sedge Wren?

7. A Northern Flicker
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »

Pat Hodgson

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Looks fine for loggerhead shrike, also at this time all northern shrikes should be much farther north.  Your wren, however, looks like a house wren, which is very common in Carden.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Pat Hodgson