When: Monday June 30th, 2014 (3:00-4:00 PM)
Where: Art McGinns Road, Amherst Island
What: Lark Bunting
Seen preening and calling out off the guy-wires that support the radio tower.
When: Monday June 30th, 2014 (9:00-10:00 PM)
Where: Hill Top Road, just east of Brewer's Road, Prince Edward County
What: American Woodcock, Eastern Whip-poor-wills, Chuck-wills-widow
All birds clearly heard calling out from surrounding fields along the road.
Recorded using my cell phone and enhanced at home. Please turn your volume down slightly before playing.
Chuck-wills-widow callingWalter Fisher
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »
Is backyard birding our new normal?