...also, that's an awful lot of reported sightings in the GTA given the lack of evidence. What are this self-appointed foundation's criteria for accepting reports? They don't seem to mention that beneath their map, rendering it worthless.
One MNR scientist's explanation for not being able to confirm sightings: "While his attempts (to confirm cougar sightings) have proved fruitless, Rosatte said he isn't surprised given an adult male cougar will travel in an area of as much as 1,000 square kilometres."
This is a nice and tidy excuse, except the Rouge isn't really all that big or remote. Why hasn't anyone been able to confirm these sightings here, given the VERY high visitor traffic, thorough breeding and winter bird surveys, deer censuses, TRCA employees, yada yada yada.
Why no hard evidence? No scat? No tracks? Just anecdotes from fishermen following zoo escapes.