Monitoring the dog situation at Ashbridges Bay
Outdoor Ontario

Monitoring the dog situation at Ashbridges Bay

Julie · 11 · 8301


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hi all

A few of us were over on the TO sightings thread discussing the rather extreme dogs-off-leash-everywhere situation at Ashbridges Bay (Coxwell and Lakeshore). I live in the area so called both my councillor's office and the leash bylaws people. Both were very helpful and said that extra patrols would be put in place. If people see any improvement (or lack thereof) could you post the comments here? I can also post the animal control/ bylaw office and Councillor Bussin's contact info here if needed; calls to Animal Control would be helpful if the problem of multiple dogs off leash/ nasty owner responses continues.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Julie »

David Shilman

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Quote from: "Julie"
A few of us were over on the TO sightings thread...

Where is this thread?  I'd like to catch up.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by David Shilman »
David Shilman
Toronto, ON

"Always wave to the locals!"


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I'm not sure how to create links, so I'll just hope copying and pasting this takes you to Norm's TO sightings thread about harlequins at Ashbridge's: ... php?t=1475

There are comments about dogs at this park scattered throughout the TP sightings forum, mostly because there have been a few rarish birds there this season and a few of us who've gone to the park as a result have been surprised by the dog problem there.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Julie »

Mathew Rossi

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I'm guessing the problem is the same at Ashbridges as it is at Samuel Smith. I'm a dog-owner and love letting my dog run free in appropriate situations, but these spots aren't appropriate. Last time I was at Sam Smith I had to watch every step to avoid stepping in dung, and saw a group of 4 people with 6 dogs, all off leash.  I was appalled to see it, I mean these places are highly used, city parks, I can't believe fellow dog owners would have such little respect for shared spaces.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Mathew Rossi »

Kin Lau

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As Matthew pointed out, I also see many dog walkers in Col Sam with their dogs off leash, and very few pick up after them.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Kin Lau »


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Correct me if I'm wrong, but a leash free area is still an area where you must pick up after your pet...correct??
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Anonymous »

Mathew Rossi

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Quote from: "Attila"
Correct me if I'm wrong, but a leash free area is still an area where you must pick up after your pet...correct??

Yes, definitely.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Mathew Rossi »

David Shilman

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As a dog owner, it drives me nuts to see dogs off leash in areas where it is not permitted.  I'm also appalled when owners don't pick up after their dogs.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by David Shilman »
David Shilman
Toronto, ON

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David, I feel your anguish.  As an owner of a very active Jack Russell, I make sure that when she's off the leash she's only chasing her ball in the area that is designated and definitely ensure that I pick up her droppings.

Unfortunately, with regards to this situation, I don't know that there is enough enforcement to handle the situation at hand.  I used to work at the Running Room over on Queen St. in the Beaches and several of my runs took me along the bike path and boardwalk where it was trying enough to avoid the ring billed gull, geese and duck droppings, yet alone some of the monstrous piles of dog feces present.

And people wonder why we have high e-coli ratings here in the city beaches and water ways.

« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Anonymous »


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I'm a professional dog walker in the Beaches/Scarborough areas, and all I can tell you is to keep bugging the councillors and Toronto Animal Services.  I have had to give up dog walking in the Scarborough Bluffs areas because dog walkers go there with a bunch of dogs and let them run wild.  I've called TAS several times but the same dog walkers continue to go there.  In fact, one time when I complained, I found a notice in my mailbox saying that someone complained that I had 4 offleash dogs in the park, when in fact I was the one who complained!  

I think that if enough of you complain frequently, that's the only way they'll do something.  They are very understaffed, but the plan is they are going to hire another 10 or so officers and give them the power to arrest.  Dog walkers in the past have refused to give their identification and unless a police officer was also there, the TAS officer couldn't arrest or fine them.  

Incidentally, all dog walkers with 4-6 dogs must wear their permit visibly, so if you see someone with that number of dogs, they should have the permit and if the dogs are offleash, you can write down the number, take a picture if you have a camera handy, and submit that to the authorities.  Not that a digital picture usually stands up as evidence, but at least that might help your case.

I've just cut way down on the dog walks and focus on backyard dog visits and pet sitting.  There are just too many bad dog walkers out there and they give all of us a bad name.
« Last Edit: February 26, 2008, 08:25:01 PM by Lee »


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Quote from: "Attila"
Correct me if I'm wrong, but a leash free area is still an area where you must pick up after your pet...correct??

Yup.  And the new bylaw also allows a maximum number of 6 dogs with a dog walker who also has to have a permit.  Not only that but un-neutered males are not allowed in offleash parks.  There is an age limit, I can't remember exactly but I believe the dog should be neutered by 6 months of age, otherwise the leash free parks are also off limits.

Here is the latest from the city, including pictures of the signs and the code of conduct:

Also, and boy, I'm long winded today, your dog must have a City of Toronto license.  To get one, go here:  If they catch you without one, you will probably be fined.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Lee »