Redpolls @Ashbridges Bay
Outdoor Ontario

Redpolls @Ashbridges Bay

Kris Ito

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A small flock of 12 Common Redpolls were feeding in the alders between the two eastern-most points this afternoon. It was heavily overcast and the birds would not come down out of the tree tops, but even with my limited views I don't think there were any potential Hoaries in the mix. Fingers crossed that they stay awhile! The only other birds of note were the continuing White-crowned Sparrow and an immature Glaucous Gull.  -kris

Note: The flock was still in the same location the next day (Feb. 5th)
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »


  • Old Timer
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    • Posts: 131
It has been a treat to watch the Redpolls several times since Kris posted this, always in the same high location. Yesterday there were over 27 (counted 2 groups fly across the pathway), but today they weren't there. On my way out I found 7 or 8 in the little woody area to the E of the marina.
The regular group of Tree Sparrows (plus the juvenile White-crowned that has been there all winter) were nowhere to be found at the Western point today (there yesterday tho') - only the regular cardinals and chickadees (that were everywhere throughout the park hoping for handouts!) When I got over to the furthest southerly point where the light is on a pole, there were Tree Sparrows (8+) at a little feeder hanging in a tree - suet- but also seeds underneath. I added more, watched a rabbit come to join in when no dogs were around and a white-breasted nuthatch or two as well. All sorts of little piles of seed in various places around and about. Downys. A Robin eating berries near the marina entrance. The usual wonderful collection of ducks, a big group of gulls off the boat ramp including several Iceland but best of all was a Snowy Owl that flew across the park near the lake edge, brilliant white against the glorious blue sky. Many people cross-country skiing and the footing is great with no ice anywhere just lots of fresh snow.Spectacular ice formations where the waves have crashed up to coat the trees, rocks and scrub.

On a different note but nearby, international designers celebrate winter by transforming lifeguard stations into whimsical 'warming huts' on the Beach. The exhibition of 5 winning entries - 1 from Ryerson called 'Snow Cone' and the others from around the world opens on Family Day - February 16.The artists will talk about their work at an event which is open to the public, at the Design Exchange on February 13. Lots to see down by the shore!
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »