Did a tour of central Europe in May but am not terribly familiar with the birds there. The countries I visited were Switzerland, Serbia, Germany and the Czech Republic. All I have is a 300mm lens so forgive the small images but hopefully there is enough to ID.
I have a lot here, you might want to get a pen and paper out – I hope you do this for fun.
Since I don’t know the rarity of any of these birds, short of White Storks lol, if there is a less common bird please let me know.
1. Mallard Hybrid Germany
2. Domestic duck? Germany
3. Domestic duck? Germany
4. Domestic duck? Germany
5. Eurasian Coot Germany
6. Redstart Czech Republic
7. Unknown Accipiter Czech Republic
8. White Stork Czech Republic
9. Greylag goose Czech Republic
10. Eurasian Kestrel Czech Republic
11. Swallow? Czech Republic
12. Tufted? Czech Republic
13. Shag? Czech Republic
14. Grey Heron Czech Republic
15. Dipper Czech Republic
16. Unknown Czech Republic
17. Unknown Czech Republic
18. Unknown Czech Republic
19. Unknown Czech Republic
20a. Unknown – I think it is the same bird as 20b Czech Republic
20b. Czech Republic
21. Unknown raptor Czech Republic
22. Unknown Czech Republic
23. Thrush Czech Republic
24. Thrush Czech Republic
25. Unknown Czech Republic
26. Thrush chick Czech Republic
27. European Green Woodpecker Czech Republic
28. Thrush? Czech Republic
29. Sand Martin Czech Republic
30. Thrush Czech Republic
31. Kestrel Czech Republic
32. Tit Czech Republic
33. Finch? Czech Republic
34. White wagtail Czech Republic
35. Unknown raptor Czech Republic
36. Unknown Czech Republic
37. Swallow? Czech Republic
38. Eurasian Nuthatch Czech Republic/Serbia
39. Long-tailed tit Czech Republic
40. Shrike Serbia
41. Shrike (female)? Serbia
42. Unknown Serbia
43. Rook?
44. Unknown Serbia
45. Unknown Serbia
46. Whiskered tern Serbia
47. Black redstart male Serbia
48. Black redstart female Serbia
49. Unknown Serbia
50. Eurasian golden oriole Serbia
51. Great spotted woodpecker Serbia
52. Unknown raptor Serbia
53. Red-crested pochard male Switzerland
54. Red-crested pochard female Switzerland
55. Great-crested grebe Switzerland
56. Blue Tit Switzerland
57. Short-toed/Common Treecreeper? Switzerland
58. Unknown Raptor Switzerland
59. Woodpigeon? Switzerland
60. Common blackbird Switzerland
61. Thrush Switzerland
62. Blackcap Czech Republic
63. Red kite Switzerland
64. Great tit Switzerland