The ponds in Cell Two at Tommy Thompson Park have been quite productive over the last few weeks. Unfortunately there is no way to know how much longer this will continue as ongoing construction is changing the landscape out there on a daily basis.
This is the Wilson's Phalarope that has been present for the last two days. It's wonderful to watch it stir the water with its bill and spin in little circles while it feeds!
Wilson's Phalarope by
Kris Ito, on Flickr
Ok this photo was actually taken on Embayment D but there are usually two or three Lesser Yellowlegs in Cell Two. I hadn't realized just how small they are until this cutie passed just a few feet in front of me.
Lesser Yellowlegs by
Kris Ito, on Flickr
This is a Pectoral Sandpiper on the right of the Lesser Yellowlegs. It stayed for several days but I haven't seen it recently.
Lesser Yellowlegs and Pectoral Sandpiper by
Kris Ito, on Flickr
I was never able to get close to this Stilt Sandpiper but what a great bird!
Stilt Sandpiper; ebird i.d. by
Kris Ito, on Flickr
A large flock of Short-billed Dowitcher passed through earlier in the summer but this individual has lingered on.
Short-billed Dowitcher by
Kris Ito, on Flickr
Sometimes the Least Sandpipers will pop up onto the tops of the gravel berms quite close to you and you will understand how this is the smallest sandpiper in the world!
Least Sandpiper by
Kris Ito, on Flickr