My name is Jonny, I work in the education department at Downsview Park. Downsview Park has partnered with Tallgrass Ontario on a project that would hopefully see the establishment of a small tallgrass prairie area within the park. Tallgrass ecosystems are one of the most bio diverse ecological communities in North American, but also one of the most endangered. In North America there is only 1% of our tallgrass ecosystems remain today. Here is a list of some of the species that have been seen in the park that would benefit from the installation of a tallgrass prairie.
-Eastern Meadowlark
-Horned Lark
-Barn,bank and tree swallows
-Short-eared Owl
-Snowy Owl
This project is still in the early stages. If it gets off the ground there are some simple but meaningful ways that members of this board can help. We are looking for volunteers to help us document the bird populations in this small area. This could take the form of picture submissions, ebird checklists or even annual spot counts to create a consistent data stream. It would be up to the individual to decide how they would like to participate. If anyone is interested in getting involved or has any questions please feel free to contact me at
http://ebird.org/ebird/hotspot/L1437376), so exciting!