Thickson's Woods, Whitby - May 10
Outdoor Ontario

Thickson's Woods, Whitby - May 10

CJ McRae

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This morning at Thickson's Woods was very busy! Here is a list of some of what was seen:
-YR warbler
-nashville warbler
-chestnut-sided warbler
-yellow warbler
-black-throated blue warbler
-black-throated green warler
-cape may warbler
-bay-breasted warbler
-palm warbler
-magnolia warbler
-scarlet tanager
-baltimore oriole
-warbling vireo
-BG gnatcatcher
- rose breasted grosbeak
-wood duck

There were reports of a golden winged warbler at the woods yesterday but no one had see it this morning.
« Last Edit: December 31, 1969, 07:00:00 PM by Guest »