I met this lovely moth on a walk near Winston Churchill and Sheridan Park Drive today. There were also Crescents, Sulphurs, Cabbage Whites, Common Wood Nymphs and Eastern Tailed Blues flying. I saw one Black Swallowtail but the Queen Anne's Lace isn't doing much and i didn't see any Fritillaries perhaps because the thistles are also not doing much. One Skipper that was mostly browns which I need to check into. Insects included lots of grasshoppers and locust-types; red soldier beetles; milkweed bugs and milkweed beetles; plant bugs; various bees and wasps including ichneumon.
Birds included a Coopers Hawk (adult), crows, starlings, and goldfinches. Dragonflies included Green Darners, Black Saddlebags and Common Whitetails. Several damsels of varying size in blues of unknown types.